Nothing and everything,; not-thinking at the HK Int. Airport (IATA: HKG, ICAO: VHHH)
Once again I sit in the opposite side of my usual side of the world, in what was colloquially known as Chek Lap Kok Airport (赤鱲角機場)... honestly I sometimes ask myself whether I’m being stubborn or if I am looking for something-ness and nothingness all at once…
Tonight, like many silly nights I start by roaming and questioning my episodic desire to walk away, and I have to clarify, its not a lovers runaway, it is no running away in a desperate, violent, passionate or emotional manner but simply to walk away in a patient, present, boring, yet thoroughly enchanting manner. This sometimes reminds me of a dim mood worthy of the Kerouac’s voice that lingers in my head, that boring perfect solitude that is so profound and rewarding in the least “practical” sense. Back to the airport, picture me and a cart, my cart holding my bags perfectly placed so that when I stand on top of its wheels, letting go off the ground and smoothly gliding down Hong Kong International airport’s gentle slopes I do not tip over but simply let go of both marble and thought into a present, enchanting flow. And so like this I shift from north to south, staring at peoples eyes wondering about their stories, their tragedies, just as the universe is infinite are peoples tragedies, it puzzles me how it couldn’t be any other way…
Every once in a while I’ll sit down outside, passively second-hand smoking among Cantonese animated characters, I will pretend I am out, looking blankly at the horizon and listen to their conversation, I’ll then trick myself into the belief that I’m not there but that I am everywhere, my mind then, like a computer, inactive for a little, will turn into a screensaver, shooting random images, memories, hate and love, judgment and love like if there wasn’t nothing in between, no tragedy or story to move from one to the other, a voidness so powerful that presents good and evil as ridiculous possibilities.. –Oh, how powerful this feels-..
I’ll grin, stand, and once again, walk inside, shifting from the warm, violent and emotional air of the harbor to the cold, dry, judgmental and monumental air of the airport. In a shift of perspective I also jump from the humbling, monotonous, “still very unknown” world of my breathing to the arrogant, powerful, disruptive and known world of my thoughts. Still thinking about 3:30PMs IMAX show of cosmic collisions, about how the moon was created in weeks after a mars-sized chunk of rock hit the earth, about Apollo 11 and the 380 kilograms of lunar rock we’ve brought since then, that’s perfect “human” right there…
Tomorrow I have a plane to catch; today I have nothing. I do have a perfect solitude in a very unfamiliar environment. Not in any way I pretend to jump into judgment but maybe this is just the face of the world we’ve created, uncaring, lonely, cold, but then again we also have pink and yellow, 20-20000 hertz, noise cancelling earphones, only 283 Hong Kong dollars (with TAX). Sometimes when you walk around cities like Hong Kong, when you become witness to a poor fellow breaking apart and crying in the 9am line to breakfast you think (or I think) bad,BAD world… but isn’t this exactly what we need to start loving each other? It is my duty to you recognizing that I did feel a lot of compassion at 9am line to breakfast. A compassion definitely beyond good and evil, thank you Nietzsche…
But then again, tomorrow I have a plane to catch, today I have nothing… but if I remember correctly, earlier today, while passively smoking, in my screensaver-turning self, nothing and everything came together all at once, so according to my current lucidty tomorrow I have nothing to catch, today I have everything… =)
it's all love,